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Author Archives: wolf

  1. Medical Aid-in-Dying Bill Lands on CA Gov.’s Desk

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    Supporters Optimistic Gov. Brown Will Allow Bill to Become Law

    (Sacramento, Calif. – Sept 25, 2015) The clock is ticking for California Gov. Jerry Brown to decide whether he will allow a bill to become law to give terminally ill adults the option of medical aid in dying. The bill would authorize adults with six months or less to live who are facing unbearable suffering to request a doctor’s prescription for medication that they could take to die painlessly and peacefully in their sleep.

    Today Gov. Brown received the legislation, known as the End of Life Option Act (ABX2-15), authored by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman, and coauthored by Senate Majority Leader Bill Monning and Senate Majority Whip Lois Wolk. Brown has 12 days, until Oct. 7, to sign or veto the bill. If he takes no action by midnight on Oct. 7, the legislation automatically becomes law.

    “We hope Gov. Brown honors the will of the majority of Californians of every faith and demographic group by allowing the End of Life Option Act to become law.” said Compassion & Choices Campaign Director Toni Broaddus. “Californians just want to know that if they become terminally ill and their suffering becomes unbearable, they have the option to take prescription medication so they can die gently in their sleep.” (more…)

  2. Brittany’s Husband Dan Diaz Speaks Out, Urges Us to Make Death-with-Dignity Option Available to All

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    Dan Diaz, Brittany Maynard’s husband, used his first media interviews since her  death to urge everyone to contact their lawmakers and ask them to support death with dignity. In interviews with People, NBC and Meredith Vieira on Jan. 14, he encouraged people to act as many state legislatures convene.

    Brittany’s story drove increased support for death with dignity from members of the public as well as physicians. Now we must carry on her legacy and build pressure to turn support into passage of new laws.

    Read the People story here.